How to Kill a Lobster Humanely

In my previous post I walk you through the step-by-step instructions for killing a lobster humanely (with pictures); I’ve also posted an essay on the same topic today on The Atlantic, in which I talk more about the context of the issue.

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The Michael Jackson – Sushi Connection

I didn’t think there was one—until now. American sushi chefs are reinvigorating the traditional cuisine in surprising ways at the moment. One of the more unusual chefs in this movement is an African American woman in Memphis named Marisa Baggett. She’s just written a touching vignette about how Michael Jackson became part, in a roundabout…

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New York Times Features My Article on American Sushi Chefs

Illustration by Craig Phillips for The Atlantic. A nice surprise reading the Times with breakfast this morning and discovering that the Week in Review section featured an excerpt from my article in the June issue of the Atlantic on how American sushi chefs are helping to bring the cuisine back to its Japanese roots.

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The New Yorker’s Mystery Claw

If you’re an avid reader with a photographic memory, you’ll score well on the New Yorker’s “Cover Contest,” where hints of book covers can, if correctly identified, be turned into prizes (more books). This week the evocative pincer on the cover of The Secret Life of Lobsters caught the New Yorker’s fancy—along with a head…

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American Sushi

My article on the growing trend of non-Asian/non-traditional sushi chefs is now out in the June issue of The Atlantic. I worked really hard on this story, and interviewed quite a few interesting chefs. A ton of the material I talked about with the chefs never made it into the article, so hopefully I can…

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Hate Mail & a Hat Tip from Michael Moore

I haven’t received this much hate mail since I wrote about stabbing of lobsters with large kitchen knives. The other day I dashed off a little article for the CSMonitor’s weekly edition about how nice it is that people in Nordic countries such as Finland get free health care and top-notch universal public education. The…

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